
The I.A.C.M.(国际华人魔术联盟)is an association that connects, gathers and expands Chinese magicians around the world, aiming to be the largest association of Chinese magicians. The specific purpose of the nonprofit organization is to develop and improve Chinese magicians' skills, utilizing their knowledge to carry out a variety of community events. You'll join a network of magicians who meet at international conventions and communicate through our platform and private group chat. The I.A.C.M. is open to anyone who is older than sixteen and has a sincere interest in the art of magic. 


Become an I.A.C.M. member and play your important role in preserving as well as creating the astonishing magical arts! Below are the benefits of becoming an I.A.C.M. member. (以下是成为国际华人魔术联盟会员获得的权利)

*Your name will be published on our official website, so that the whole world can see and verify your status as a magician member of the International Association of Chinese Magicians;(会员名单将于国际双语官网公布,支持查询)

*I.A.C.M. Official Membership Certificate issued in the United States;(在美注册I.A.C.M. 总部颁布的会员证书)

*Privilege to know and attend our member-only annual events from our Facebook private group and get more opportunities to learn magic internationally;(参与IACM独家专属活动如讲座/工作坊/交流会等,加入脸书与微信私密群组获得更多国际魔术交流机会)

*Qualification to participate in the selection of the Honorary Members next year and even the I.A.C.M. AWARD(After two years on list), after which you will have your profile and photo on our official website.(新会员入会次年可参与荣誉会员选拔;入选者的资料与照片将出现在荣誉会员专页)

*Access to our member-only website, The Secret Area--our original magic tutorials and prop collection gallery.(获得本网站会员专区访问权,其中有魔术教程、工作坊视频等)

*Your work and performance videos may be selected to appear in the "Video Section"of our official website(您的作品与演出视频有机会被遴选出现在精选专区)

*You'll be able to be other magician fellows' sponsor for joining the I.A.C.M.(您将可以成为其他魔术师同行的邀请人,邀请他人入会)

*Stay connected with contact details for hundreds of industry professionals......(与魔术业内大咖、资深人员保持紧密联系)
